All Ohio State University factsheets can be found in the searchable database at OHIOLINE.OSU.EDU. The Buckeye Environmental Horticulture Team has highlighted here some recommended factsheets relevant for horticulturalists and green industry professionals as well as common home, lawn and garden factsheets.
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Bugs and bites
Customer Relations and Marketing
- Ecosystem Services of Landscape Plants: Assistance for marketing and increasing customer awareness (UKY)
- Getting Started in the Green Industry (Penn State)
DIAGNOSTICS of plant problems
- 20 Questions of Plant Diagnosis
- Bacterial Diseases of Plants
- Collecting and Submitting Turf Samples to the Diagnostic Clinic
- Diagnosing Sick Plants
- Fungal and Fungal-like Diseases of Plants
- Nematode Diseases of Plants
- Plants Get Sick Too!
- Submitting Insect Specimens for Identification
- Viral Diseases of Plants
insect invaders and home nuisance pests
- Bed Bugs
- Bed Bugs (UKY)
- Boxelder Bugs and Leaf-Foot Bugs
- Carpenter Ants
- Carpet Beetles
- Cluster Flies, Face Flies, Blow Flies in Homes (UKY)
- Drain Flies
- Millipedes in the Home
- Pharaoh Ants
Insect pests
- Aphids on Trees and Shrubs
- Bagworm and its Control
- Bagworm ID and Management Brochure, U of Nebraska
- Black Vine Weevil and Other Root Weevils
- Chinch Bugs in Turf
- Common Insects of Bedding Plants
- Cottony Maple Scale
- Drain Flies
- Fungus Gnats
- Identification of White Grubs in Turf
- Japanese Beetle
- Lace Bugs
- Magnolia Scale
- Maple Galls
- Spider Mites and Control
- Ailanthus (Tree of Heaven)
- Asian Longhorned Beetle
- Autumn Olive / Russian Olive
- Bush Honeysuckle
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Feral Swine
- Garlic Mustard
- Japanese Beetle
- Japanese Stiltgrass
- Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
- Privet
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops
- Viburnum Leaf Beetle
Lawncare & Turfgrass management
- Lawn Weed Identification (External site: Purdue U)
- Lawn Weed ID and Management (External site: University of Maryland)
- Organic Lawncare
pesticide application and safety
- Best Practices for Effective and Efficient Pesticide Application
- Boom Sprayer Calibration
- Calibrating Boom Sprayer for Forestry
- Choosing a Pesticide Product
- How Much Pesticide to Add to My Sprayer Tanks
- Proper Calibration and Operation of Backpack and Hand-Can Pesticide Sprayers
- Protecting Pollinators While Using Pesticides
- Reading Pesticide Labels
- Understanding Pesticides in Organic and Conventional Crop Systems
Phenology and growing degree-days (GDD)
plant health management
- Beech Bark Disease
- Black Knot of Prunus
- Diplodia Tip Blight on Two-Needle Pines
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Fire Blight
- Poplar Leaf Rust
- Sudden Oak Death
- Thousand Canker Disease
- Attracting Pollinators to the Garden
- Bees in Urban Landscapes
- Bumble Bees in Ohio
- Identify and Enhance Wild Bees in the Landscape
- Ohio Bee Identification
- Ohio Trees for Bees
- What Can You Do To Help Bumble Bees
- What Can You Do To Help Honey Bees
- What Can You Do To Help Native Bees
Turf diseases and pests
- Billbugs in Turfgrass
- Brown Patch on Turfgrass
- Chinchbugs in Turf
- Collecting and Submitting a Turf Sample for the Clinic
- Dollar Spot on Turfgrass
- Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass
- Identifying White Grubs in Turfgrass
- Powdery Mildew on Turfgrass
- Slime Molds on Turfgrass
- Summer Patch on Turfgrass
- Constructing a Deer Proofing Fence, Purdue University
- Relatively Deer Resistant Plant Selections, Penn State
- Squirrel-Proof Your Bird Feeders, and other wildlife deterrents for feeders, University of Nebraska
AdditionaL Resources
Bugs and bites
DIAGNOSTICS of plant problems
- 20 Questions of Plant Diagnosis
- Bacterial Diseases of Plants
- Collecting and Submitting Turf Samples to the Diagnostic Clinic
- Diagnosing Sick Plants
- Fungal and Fungal-like Diseases of Plants
- Nematode Diseases of Plants
- Plants Get Sick Too!
- Submitting Insect Specimens for Identification
- Viral Diseases of Plants
fruit and veggie gardening
- Food Safety Considerations in the Home Garden
- Growing Apples in Home Orchards
- Growing Blackberries in Home Gardens
- Growing Blueberries
- Growing Broccoli in the Home Garden
- Growing Cabbage in the Home Garden
- Growing Cauliflower in the Garden
- Growing Garlic
- Growing Grapes in Home Plantings
- Growing Muskmelon
- Growing Onions in the Garden
- Growing Peppers in the Home Garden
- Growing Pumpkins (Giant) in Home Garden
- Growing Raspberries for Home Planting
- Growing Strawberries
- Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden
insect invaders and home nuisance pests
- Bed Bugs
- Bed Bugs (UKY)
- Boxelder Bugs and Leaf-Foot Bugs
- Carpenter Ants
- Carpet Beetles
- Cluster Flies, Face Flies, Blow Flies in Homes (UKY)
- Drain Flies
- Millipedes in the Home
- Pharaoh Ants
Insect pests
- Aphids on Trees and Shrubs
- Bagworm and its Control
- Bagworm ID and Management Brochure, U of Nebraska
- Black Vine Weevil and Other Root Weevils
- Chinch Bugs in Turf
- Common Insects of Bedding Plants
- Cottony Maple Scale
- Drain Flies
- Fungus Gnats
- Identification of White Grubs in Turf
- Japanese Beetle
- Lace Bugs
- Magnolia Scale
- Maple Galls
- Spider Mites and Control
- Ailanthus (Tree of Heaven)
- Asian Longhorned Beetle
- Autumn Olive / Russian Olive
- Bush Honeysuckle
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Feral Swine
- Garlic Mustard
- Japanese Beetle
- Japanese Stiltgrass
- Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
- Privet
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops
- Viburnum Leaf Beetle
- Controlling Broadleaf Weeds in Home Lawns (Purdue U)
- Lawn Weed Identification (External site: Purdue U)
- Lawn Weed ID and Management (External site: University of Maryland)
- Organic Lawncare
- Renovating Your Lawn (University of Kentucky)
pesticide safety At Home
- Choosing a Pesticide Product
- Protecting Pollinators While Using Pesticides
- Understanding Pesticides in Organic and Conventional Crop Systems
- Reading Pesticide Labels
Phenology and growing degree-days (GDD)
plant health management
- Beech Bark Disease
- Black Knot of PrunusThousand Canker Disease
- Diplodia Tip Blight on Two-Needle Pines
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Fire Blight
- Poplar Leaf Rust
- Sudden Oak Death
- Attracting Pollinators to the Garden
- Bees in Urban Landscapes
- Bumble Bees in Ohio
- Identify and Enhance Wild Bees in the Landscape
- Ohio Bee Identification
- Ohio Trees for Bees
- What Can You Do To Help Bumble Bees
- What Can You Do To Help Honey Bees
- What Can You Do To Help Native Bees
PLANT Identification
- Soil Testing
- Insert text here
- Constructing a Deer Proofing Fence, Purdue University
- Relatively Deer Resistant Plant Selections, Penn State
- Squirrel-Proof Your Bird Feeders, and other wildlife deterrents for feeders, University of Nebraska